Idea Summary
Currently, when filtering a Popup LOV, the default is to search across the entire field. If you have values 000123 and 123000 and start typing 000, both values will be included in the filter result. While in many cases, this is preferred, in many other use cases, it is preferable to have a value% filter rather than a %value% filter.
Use Case
In situations where end users typically know the value they want to enter (e.g., when entering financial account values, project numbers, cost center numbers, etc.), it is much faster for them to enter the values if the filter works from left to right, i.e., value %. This can also improve performance, as the value% filter will use indexes. I have encountered this requirement with several customers where the input speed is essential for end users.
Preferred Solution (Optional)
Ideally, there would be a declarative selector for Popup LOV page items, where you can select the filter style as value% or %value%. As a bonus, it would be nice to also have an option to decide if the filter should ignore the case of the entered filter criteria.