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Introduction to Oracle Machine Learning for R on Oracle Database

About This Workshop

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About This Workshop
Oracle Machine Learning for R (OML4R), a component of Oracle Machine Learning on Oracle Database and Oracle Autonomous Database, makes the open-source R scripting language and environment ready for enterprise data. OML4R provides a database-centric environment for end-to-end analytical processes using R. Users invoke overloaded R functions on database-resident data for data exploration and preparation, which leverages the database as a high-performance computing environment. Further, R users can invoke powerful in-database machine learning algorithms from a native R API and deploy user-defined R functions in database-spawned and controlled R engines - all in support of R-based solution development.

OML4R is for those looking to process data in place without moving the data out of the database. This allows you to leverage the high-performance database to process data for data science and machine learning solutions. This workshop guides you through using various OML4R features for data exploration and preparation, and machine learning modeling using in-database algorithms.

Workshop Info

3 hours
  • Connect to R Studio Client and Establish Database Connection (21c) 
  • Explore Data Using R – Statistical Functions
  • Explore Data Using R – Data Visualization
  • Explore Data Using R – Data Exploration
  • Build Regression Model for LTV Prediction and Evaluate Model
  • Build Classification Model for LTV_BIN Prediction and Evaluate Model
  • Use Embedded R Functions to Leverage In-Database Parallel Processing
  • Sample - Familiarity with Database is desirable, but not required
  • Some understanding of cloud and database terms is helpful
  • Familiarity with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is helpful

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