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Configure a Java application to send traces to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) APM Tracing with the Graal Development Kit for Micronaut (GDK)

About This Workshop

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About This Workshop
Learn how to configure a Java application to send traces to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Application Performance Monitoring (APM) Tracing with the Graal Development Kit for Micronaut (GDK). Discover how to use GraalVM Native Image to package and run the application as a native executable.

Workshop Info

1 hour
  • Lab 1: Clone the sample application source code
  • Lab 2: Create a new OCI APM Domain
  • Lab 3: Review the sample application source code
  • Lab 4: Configure the application to use the OCI APM Domain
  • Lab 5: Build and run the application and send traces to the OCI APM Domain
  • Lab 6: Build and run a native executable and and send traces to the OCI APM Domain
  • Lab 7: Cleanup
  • Some familiarity with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
  • Understanding of the Java programming language
  • Oracle GraalVM for JDK 17
  • Visual Studio Code (VS Code)
  • A browser with access to the internet
  • An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) account with adequate permissions

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