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Feature Request FR-4235
Product Area Page Components

1 Voters

Dynamic Breadcrumb to reflect dynamic navigation menu

maxqua72 Public
· Jan 29 2025

Idea Summary
As the navigation menu can be implemented by a list, the same could be done for the bredcrumb so that both can be aligned.

Use Case
Complex APEX applications are made of mini sub-applications and so a dynamic navigation menu implemented by a list is well suited for this use case. Unfortutately, breadcrumb cannot be build dynamically by the same list or by a query on the same tables the navigation menu is built on. 

Preferred Solution (Optional)
It should be possible to build the breadcrumb as a dynamic list, letting the user to specify a query in order to hav navigation menu and breadcrumb aligned.

We reviewed this idea carefully, and while it was interesting, we concluded that it is unlikely to make its way into APEX in the foreseeable future.



  • vincent morneau Admin OP 8 days ago

    The team had a great discussion around this topic. APEX could have breadcrumb point to a list. Or have a list template that looks like a breadcrumb. This might be reconsidered in the future, as it's a clear gap in the breadcrumb engine. However you can achieve this today using a region plugin, and therefore we can't prioritize this idea.