Idea Summary
Make it easy for developers to include security key and authenticator app user authentication capabilities into the APEX applications they build. Note this is for the applications we build, not application builder or other oracle tools (which would be important as well).
Use Case
The hacking of the phone systems and FBI warnings not to use 2FA make inclusion of security key and authenticator app security options in applications we build critical to reduce the risk of breach. Presently inclusion of these security features is very difficult to do, but it should be simple to encourage widespread adoption. It is so critical that it should be the highest priority.
Preferred Solution (Optional)
Offer plugin components for interacting with the authenticator app and/or security keys, and/or sample login app that collects key and authenticator app responses to be used whether application authentication is oracle or application based. In the interim offer clear set by step documentation on how to add the functionality now no matter how difficult.