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Feature Request FR-4102
Product Area Application Builder

1 Voters

(Cosmetic): application alias and page alias case consistency

ino.laurensse Public
· Nov 13 2024

Idea Summary
Somewhere along the line APEX changed the aliases for the friendly url to lower case and converted page alias to lower case (can't remember exactly in which upgrade). This is not very consistent, though.

Application Alias in the Application Definition is always automatically converted to upper case.

Page Alias on the page designer is always automatically converted to lower case.

APP_ALIAS and APP_PAGE_ALIAS substitution strings are upper case.

Friendly URLs are all lower case.

The idea is to introduce either new APP_ALIAS_LOWERCASE and APP_PAGE_ALIAS_LOWERCASE substitution strings (for backwards compatibility), or have some application property to always return these strings in lower or upper case.

Use Case
Create all lower case friendly URLs when using, for instance, this target URL

javascript:apex.navigation.redirect ('r/mycompany/&APP_ALIAS./&APP_PAGE_ALIAS.?session=&APP_SESSION.)
We reviewed this idea carefully, and while it was interesting, we concluded that due to all the internal implications we need to take into account, it is unlikely to make its way into APEX.