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Feature Request FR-4098
Product Area SQL Workshop

2 Voters

Bring back the Model tab in the object browser

yannis Public
· Nov 9 2024

Idea Summary
In previous versions you had a beautiful Model Chart with the dependencies for every table. I never understood why you took it down! Bring it back please

Use Case
Any time I need to truncate a table or load another with data it shows clearly the parents or children and then clicking to that parent or child showed the rel;event relationships.

We reviewed this idea carefully, and while it was interesting, we concluded that due to all the internal implications we need to take into account, it is unlikely to make its way into APEX.



  • vincent morneau Admin OP 7 days ago

    This is unlikely to come back, as it's not APEX product competency. The old model chart from the previous object browser was arguably poor. This contributed to the decision of not re-implementing it.