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Feature Request FR-4089
Product Area Page Components

1 Voters

interactive grid report or interacitve report column need to a qr code type option.

shajalalsagor56 Public
· Nov 5 2024

Idea Summary
interactive grid report or interacitve report column need to a qr code type option.

Use Case
easily  created qr code generate report

Preferred Solution (Optional)
Already it's an available page item  on Oracle apex 24.1 version,  but not available in the column .

We reviewed this idea carefully, and while it was interesting, we concluded that due to all the internal implications we need to take into account, it is unlikely to make its way into APEX.



  • vincent morneau Admin OP 4 weeks ago

    It's not common to have a report of QR codes, which is why it's available as a page item only. However APEX does allow to build a report of QR codes through the APEX_BARCODE PL/SQL API.