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Feature Request FR-4047
Product Area APIs

1 Voters

APEX_PAGE.GET_URL's p_plain_url should not be boolean

rafael trevisan Public
· Oct 6 2024

Hi guys,

Whoever implemented the p_plain_url in apex_page_get_url as boolean never had to use it within a SQL query…

We reviewed this idea carefully, and while it was interesting, we concluded that due to all the internal implications we need to take into account, it is unlikely to make its way into APEX.



  • fac586 OP 8 weeks ago

    Duplicate of FR-1987

    I suspect that at this point the response will be “upgrade to boolean supporting DB 23c” or “workaround using with-clause wrapper functions”:

  • rode.mb OP 8 weeks ago

    it's a bad pattern to call get_url in sql. there is absolutely no reason to call this expensive function in sql for each row. if you click on one link, generate the url and navigate to the url.

  • vincent morneau Admin OP 8 weeks ago

    Agree with @fac586 and @rode.mb . Eventually you will be able to use it. But that doesn't mean you should. Today, you can also create a simple wrapper.