Idea Summary
Add a new property to “List of Value” item properties when use LOV - Type: Shared Component, to filter the LOV just in the same way you can do it when you define a report or another type of regions based on a table.
Use Case
The typical case using the DEPTO – EMP tables:
- You define in Shared Components a LOV DEPTOS returning all departments on DEPTO table
- You define a Shared Component LOV EMPLOYEES returning all employees on EMP table. Both lovs will be used on different pages to show department name or employee name.
- You want to create a Cascading LOV on page X between items PX_DEPTO and PX_EMPLOYEE where this items are defined as LOVS and use lovs DEPTOS and EMPLOYEES respectively, and PX_EMPLOYEE shows on only employees for the department selected in item PX_DEPTO
Preferred Solution (Optional)
Add a “where clause” to item List of Value properties.