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Feature Request FR-2530
Product Area Page Components

40 Voters

New region type: TreeGrid

zolo Public
· May 19 2022

Idea Summary
Many times a real TreeGrid element would be useful.

Use Case
Hierarchical data often needs to be displayed and even edited. This is currently possible with the Tree view component, but it cannot handle or display multiple columns.

Preferred Solution (Optional)
How would you implement this idea? If you are not sure, leave blank.

We reviewed this idea carefully, and while it was interesting, we concluded that it is unlikely to make its way into APEX in the foreseeable future.



  • bb601410 OP 2.7 years ago

    i need it too!

  • jayson hanes Admin OP 2.7 years ago

    could this be achieved satisfactorily if the interactive grid supported inline child records?

  • zolo OP 2.7 years ago

    I may misunderstand what you are writing, but I think it would be your nested grid.
    TreeGrid: same record structure, multiple hierarchy levels
    NestedGrid: A grid with a different structure inside the grid in rows

  • zolo OP 2.7 years ago

  • stew stryker OP 2.7 years ago

    Are you looking for a read-only IR or read/write IG?

  • zolo OP 2.7 years ago

    Both may be required.

  • john.snyders APEX Team OP 2.6 years ago

    I believe the treeView widget is a better choice to add tree grid functionality to. 

    A tree grid and a row expander feature in IG or elsewhere (@jayson called it inline child records, @zolo called it nested grid a.k.a nested report) are different things.

  • plgiros OP 2.6 years ago

    I use a really old plug in to display data within a hierarchy. (Found a “treetable” some years ago)

    indeed it would be nice to get such a template for classic report for instance.

    When I use this kind of display I don’t often need to edit it but could be nice as well.

  • naamap OP 2.6 years ago

    The Tree region is too simple and not much developed object in Apex. 

    I need a Tree Grid object with all this features of grid (multiple columns, search and filter).

  • kevin.phillips OP 2.6 years ago

    We would like to show the documentation of some JSON structures we have, using an Apex page. It would be nice to be able to have the Type/Description as columns and then for the user to be able to expand/collapse  the objects within that JSON. We can't have the multiple columns in the tree view. We wouldn't want a grid for this as sorting by the column headings would confuse the view. Although the download/extracts the grid offers, would be nice.

    A bit like this snippet where I can collapse the line_items object:

  • jayson hanes Admin OP 2.4 years ago

    We think that this is an interesting idea but the team has decided that we cannot commit to a priority for it at this time.

  • stew stryker OP 2.4 years ago


    Thanks for letting us know. Maybe some time in the future, your new co-workers from FOEX might be able to help with this, since they released a terrific tree grid control (built on the Sencha framework).

    (I think you know who I'm talking about, but drop me a line on Slack if not)

  • neelesh shah OP 1.9 years ago

    @jayson hanes At this point, any plans for an editable tree grid feature in APEX Jayson ? Any change in priority with the FOEX acquisition ?

    This feature (in the link below) seems to be a requirement in projects we are trying to engage in..



  • stew stryker OP 1.9 years ago

    @neelesh shah Great question. We originally bought FOEX specifically for the editable tree grid component, which I found very powerful.

  • brendan.flanagan OP 1.8 years ago

    As Oracle now own FOEX - surely implemnting some of their components and plugins into APEX as core objects would be the way to go?

  • john.snyders APEX Team OP 1.8 years ago

    As Oracle now own FOEX - surely implemnting some of their components and plugins into APEX as core objects would be the way to go?

    The FOEX components were based on Sencha EXT JS framework. We gained a great team of people but I don't think Oracle will be adding any dependency on Sencha. While this idea is closed, the need for a tree grid is not forgotten.

  • brendan.flanagan OP 1.8 years ago

    @john.snyders thanks for clarifying … 

    We have been looking at FlexMonster to implement powerful pivot / treegrid functionality … just at a proof of concept stage at the minute … pending APEX reeleasing any new (similar) functionality.

  • ahmad.itani67 OP 1.6 years ago

    When is it possible to have such feature within Oracle apex

  • alexander.tokar OP 1.2 years ago

    We expected to see this in version 23.2, but unfortunately we didn't find it :(

    Alredy 31 voters for this feature! Hear us, please.

  • badr159159 OP 1.1 years ago

    @plgiros Could you share the plugin source data for the treetable.

    I tried to find it but no luck so far.

  • zolo OP 1.1 years ago


    We use the elements of syncfusion because they provide very high quality and rich functionality when a native solution in APEX is not available for the task.
    Although syncfusion is paid, it also has a full-fledged free version if the size of your company and the number of developers do not reach the threshold.

  • zolo OP 1.1 years ago

    Of course, it would be best if APEX natively supported all TreeGrid, Pivot table, Gantt , Scheduler, Spreadsheet functions, because these elements are missing for development on a daily basis.

    The APEX team should also look at the TELERIK, DEVEXPRESS, SYNCFUSION elements, although they basically apply a different philosophy, they have many useful functions.

    It goes without saying that the development of these devices is a huge task. However, it would also be useful for prioritizing topics.