APEX 4.2 introduced global scope for application items to provide workspace-level, cross-application sharing of scalar values. Similar cross-application sharing of structured data through "workspace collections" should also be provided.
Use case:
A large system is implemented in modular fashion as several applications within the same workspace sharing the same session cookie/authentication scheme and some common authorization schemes. A per session user/module/role/organization unit look-up table should be created once on logging in to any module (app) in the workspace (for performance reasons we don't want to do this for every page view). This look-up table is used by authorization schemes, VPD, views etc to determine if users have visibility and privileges on organization unit data. Modules may have reason to use role information applying to other modules.
A per-session collection would be the easiest way to implement this, as it handles session management automatically, but it's not possible at present because the collections are on a per-session/application basis.
[Already logged as Oracle bug/ER #14196075]