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  • Use Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace for Cross-organization Visibility in Your Supply Chain

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Use Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace for Cross-organization Visibility in Your Supply Chain

Learn how to configure Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace application for a specific supply chain network of an enterprise involving multiple geographically dispersed trading partners. You will learn how the application, which leverages Blockchain technology, enables you to track your business flows, and obtain end-to-end visibility of all the transactions in the supply chain network.

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beginner Beginner
duration 140 Min
modules 5 Modules

Learning Path Contents

Module Sections Topics and more

  • About the Learning Path
      duration 0 Min
    In this learning path, you configure the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace application by defining a supply chain network, document type structures, business flow templates, business flows and smart contract business rules. You run a simulator to test the business flows in order to identify any potential errors before deploying them to production. As a trading partner, you submit documents. As a founder and a trading partner, you track and trace the transactions, view dashboards and monitor metrics.
    • This learning path is based on a use case derived from a scenario:

    • Vision computers is an electronic manufacturer of special purpose and customized  tablets. They follow the made-to-order production strategy in their order fulfillment flow. The other trading partners associated with Vision Computers are:

      • BigBox Retailer: Retailer of tablets
      • Delta Audio: Supplier of audio components
      • Alpha Electronics: Manufacturer of audio components
      • Beta Batteries: Supplier of batteries
      • Zeta Carrier: Logistics provider
      • SpeedyCarriers: Logistics provider

      Typically, in a business flow, BigBox Retailer places an order for a tablet with Vision Computers. On receiving the order, Vision Computers plans the production and identifies that the battery and the audio components need to be ordered through third-party procurement. Vision computer places an order with Delta Audio which in turn outsources the order to Alpha Electronics. Alpha electronics directly ships the audio components to Vision Computer via Zeta Carrier. For batteries, Vision Computers places an order with Beta Batteries who then transports the batteries using Speedy Carriers.

    • The following diagram illustrates the various business flow steps that are involved in manufacturing the made-to-order tablet and shipping it from Vision Computers to BigBox Retailers:


    Problem Statement
    • In a traditional flow, Vision Computers neither has any visibility of the production of audio components by Alpha Electronics nor can it assess the quality of the product during production. To assess the audio components, Vision Computers need to wait until Delta Audio delivers them.

      Similarly for batteries contracted to Beta Batteries, Vision Computers can verify their quality only after its delivery. Vision Computers wants to ensure that the  batteries be kept at a certain temperature to avoid heat exposure that may cause batteries to explode, overflow, or become unstable. However, Vision Computers does not have any visibility or control over the storage and transportation conditions of the batteries.

      VisionComputers wants to solve this issue by being able to share data with all its stakeholders and trading partners in a secure way, obtain an end to end visibility of the transactions in the entire supply chain network, and ensure the integrity of all the transactions.

    Use Case
    • Set up and configure the Oracle intelligent Track and Trace application for Vision Computers to enable it to obtain an end-to-end visibility of its entire supply chain network. Enable Vision Computers to effectively monitor and manage its assets, transactions and business flows.  Provide a common platform to all its trading partners to share and track information in a secure and integral manner.

      To implement the use case, you perform four major tasks, and in each task you complete the steps sequentially:

      1. Set up a business network
        1. Invite the trading partners
        2. Create users and assign roles for trading partners
        3. Join the business network as trading partners
      2. Define documents and business flows in the network
        1. Define document types
        2. Define business flow template and business flows
        3. Define smart contract business rules
        4. Activate business flows
      3. Test the business flows
        1. Simulate business flows
        2. Test the simulated business flows
      4. Track and trace transactions and documents
        1. Submit documents as a trading partner
        2. Track business flows and trace documents
        3. View dashboards and metrics
  • Set up a Business Network
      duration 25 Min
    In this module, you set up your business network in Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace application, create users, allocate roles, and invite your trading partners into the network.
  • Define Documents and Business Flows
      duration 55 Min
    In this module, as a founder administrator, you define document types, business flow templates, business flows, and smart contract rules in the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace application.
  • Test Business Flows
      duration 15 Min
    In this module, as a founder admin you will simulate the business flows of your network and test them in a test environment before deploying them to the production environment.
  • Track and Trace Transactions and Documents
      duration 45 Min
    In this module, you will submit documents, monitor business flow instances, trace documents, and review the dashboards.