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  • Make Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit (Oracle JET) Applications Accessible: Identify Issues

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Make Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit (Oracle JET) Applications Accessible: Identify Issues

After completing this learning path you should understand what makes a web application accessible, and how to test an application for accessibility. You should also know how to fix the most common types of accessibility problems in an Oracle JET application.

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beginner Beginner
duration 59 Min
modules 4 Modules

Learning Path Contents

Module Sections Topics and more

  • Welcome to Oracle JET
      duration 9 Min

    An introduction to Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit (Oracle JET), Oracle's free and open source enterprise-ready solution for JavaScript developers.

  • Test for Accessibility: Visual Inspection
      duration 20 Min
    The first step in evaluating a web application for accessibility is to perform a visual review of the application. During the review, look for the following items: page structure, page title, skip nav link, color and position, and page readability.
  • Keyboard-Only Testing
      duration 20 Min
    An application that is keyboard-only accessible can be used with alternate input devices for people with limited mobility or an inability to manipulate a mouse. When people can use a keyboard, the internet is at their fingertips.
  • Perform Screen-Reader Validation
      duration 10 Min
    When using a screen reader with a web application, we use the term validation instead of the word test. There is a definitive answer with a test; validation imputes more than one right answer. The outcome of the validation changes slightly as the browser and screen-reader versions change.