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    • Secretly learn Java programming concepts from a game and go behind the scenes to understand development practices.

    • This tutorial shows you how to use Java Platform, Standard Edition 8 (Java SE 8) and NetBeans 8 to create a link checker with the Thread class. For small applications, you add a thread defined by its Runnable interface or by the thread itself, as defined by a Thread object. For large applications, you separate thread management and creation from the rest of the application. Objects that encapsulate these functions are known as executors.

    • HTTP is the foundation for communication of data on the web. The proliferation of network-enabled applications has increased the use of the HTTP protocol beyond user-driven web browsers.

      The HTTPClient class helps build HTTP-aware client applications, such as web browsers and web service clients for distributed communication.

      The URL class is a pointer to a resource on the web. A resource can be something as simple as a file or a directory, or it can be a reference to a more complicated object, such as a query to a database or to a search engine.

      The HttpURLConnection class helps establish an HTTP connection between the HTTPClient and server.

    • In client/server applications, the server provides the service and the client uses that service. Communication takes place over the TCP/IP network, where a client program and a server program establish a connection with one another. Each program binds a socket at the end of the connection. This tutorial shows you how to use Java Platform, Standard Edition 8 (Java SE 8) and NetBeans 8 for socket programming over TCP/IP networks.

    • This self-study describes the Oracle Secure Java Coding Guidelines, Java Security, Java Native Interface secure coding, and security vulnerabilities.To minimize the likelihood of security vulnerabilities caused by programmer error, Java developers should adhere to recommended coding guidelines. This self-study follows the Secure Coding Guidelines for Java SE, Version 5.0 in detail.

    • Prior to Java SE 8, interfaces in Java could contain only method declarations and no implementations, and any nonabstract class implementing the interface had to provide the implementation. This limitation made it almost impossible to extend the existing interfaces and APIs. To overcome this limitation, a new concept, called default methods, is introduced in Java SE 8. The default methods are fully implemented methods in an interface, and they are declared by using the keyword default. Because the default methods have some default implementation, they help extend the interfaces without breaking the existing code.

    • This tutorial covers how to configure a Raspberry Pi as a development platform for the JavaFX platform.

    • This webcast provides an introduction to the forthcoming lambda expressions syntax added to Java 8. Learn how lambda expressions replace anonymous inner classes. In addition, see how lambda expressions might change your thinking about how you code in Java. Finally, the webcast concludes with examples of how lambda expressions change the Collections API.

    • This video describes how easy it is to work with Lambda in Java SE 8.

    • Java SE 8 Lambda Series
      11.5 years ago

      This series includes an introductory video to Java SE 8 Lambda, tutorials, and other articles.

    • Lambda expressions are a new and important feature included in Java SE 8. They provide a clear and concise way to represent one method interface using an expression. Lambda expressions also improve the Collection libraries making it easier to iterate through, filter, and extract data from a Collection. In addition, new concurrency features improve performance in multicore environments.


      This Oracle by Example (OBE) provides an introduction to lambda expressions included in Java SE 8. An introduction to anonymous inner functions is provided, followed by a discussions of functional interfaces and the new lambda syntax. Then, examples of common usage patterns before and after lambda expressions are shown.


      The next section reviews a common search use case and how Java code can be improved with the inclusion of lambda expressions. In addition, some of the common functional interfaces, Predicate and Function, provided in java.util.function are shown in action.


      The OBE finishes up with a review of how the Java collection has been updated with lambda expressions.



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