Learn how to:
• Recognize the Apache Hadoop and Oracle Big Data SQL architectures • Store data in HDFS • Organize and describe data in Hive • Deploy Oracle Big Data SQL using the two components: o The enhanced “Big Data Enabled” Oracle Database 12c external tables o The Oracle Big Data SQL Servers (services) on the Oracle Big Data Appliance or DIY Hadoop Clusters (data local processing) • Create Oracle external tables over data in HDFS and Hive using the following access drivers: o ORACLE_HDFS o ORACLE_HIVE • Identify a list of additional Oracle Big Data SQL and Oracle SQL Developer and Data Modeler recourses
Duration: 21.06 minutes
Release Date: 27-APR-2018
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
Although you may view these lessons in any order, this series is designed in a linear fashion, with each tutorial building upon the previous ones. Therefore, if you are new to Big Data or Oracle Big Data SQL, it is recommended that you view these lessons in order.