This page lists down all the tutorials and demonstrations for OSM 7.2.4
Release Date: 05-MAR-2018
This four lesson course covers the features of OTM and has demonstrations using the software. Lesson 1 sets the context for the course and covers the OTM metadata and runtime view. This lesson includes a general demonstration of OTM.
Duration: 27 minutes
This four lesson course covers the features of OTM and has demonstrations using the software. Lesson 2-1 covers the base modeling entities and their relationships, complex data types, mapping rules, and the transformation sequence. This lesson includes several demonstrations.
Duration: 37.21 minutes
This four lesson course covers the features of OTM and has demonstrations using the software. Lesson 2-2 covers the base modeling entities and their relationships, complex data types, mapping rules, and the transformation sequence. This lesson includes several demonstrations.
Duration: 23.53 minutes
This four lesson course covers the features of OTM and has demonstrations using the software. Lesson 2-3 covers the base modeling entities and their relationships, complex data types, mapping rules, and the transformation sequence. This lesson includes several demonstrations.
Duration: 14.24 minutes
This four lesson course covers the features of OTM and has demonstrations using the software. Lesson 3 covers data and status propagation, and fulfillment state management and propagation. This lesson includes a couple of demonstrations.
Duration: 27.51 minutes
This four lesson course covers the features of OTM and has demonstrations using the software. Lesson 4 covers the OSM solution migration considerations and best practices.
Duration: 19 minutes