This series currently contains 8 videos on using Database Vault in Oracle Database 12c.
This content is intended for the following job role(s): Application Administrator, Security Compliance Auditor, System Administrator, Identity Administrator, Support Engineer, Security Administrator, Data Warehouse Administrator, Database Administrator
Release Date: 24-JUL-2014
Created by: Maria Billings
This video shows you how to analyze the use of the READ ANY TABLE system privilege in Oracle Database 12c with Oracle Database Vault. The tutorial is also described step-by-step in the product documentation
Duration: 3 minutes
In this video you see how to analyze the use the system and object privilege use of a user who has been granted the DBA role and who performs database tuning operations.
Duration: 4 minutes
This video shows you how to audit the Database Vault activites in mixed mode, that is in Oracle Database 12c, how to query the DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT and DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT audit views and how to purge the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ records.
This video shows you how to confirm that your Oracle Database 12c is in unified audit mode, how to query audit views, how to create and enable an audit policy to audit a Oracle Database Vault component, and how to purge audit trail records.
Duration: 5 minutes
This video shows you how to set up existing DB Vault users, so that they have graphic access to Database Vault via Cloud Control.
This video shows you how to configure and enable Database Vault in Oracle Database 12c.
In this video, you create a simple security configuration for a sample Oracle database schema. The EMPLOYEES table has information that should be hidden from most employees in the company. To accomplish this, add the secured objects to a realm.
This Database Vault video shows you how to use regular and mandatory realms with Oracle Database 12c.
Duration: 2 minutes