This page contains videos to facilitate your usage of a curated set of open source projects that comply with the open standards, specifications and APIs defined by the Open Container Initiative and Cloud Native Computing Foundation that can be easily deployed, have been tested for interoperability and for which enterprise-grade support is offered.
The following videos will introduce you to the installation procedure and scaling of the Oracle Cloud Native Environment.
This video provides a step by step walk-through of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. The deployment phase is covered in a separate video.
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Oracle Cloud Native Environment:
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Duration: 11 mins
Type: Video
Released: 3.1 years ago
This provides a walkthrough demonstration showing how using the Configuration File helps to streamline the installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment (available from Version 1.4 onwards)
Duration: 5 mins
Released: 3 years ago
This video provides an overview of what the (new) Configuration File is together with introducing how it can help to simplify the administration of Oracle Cloud Native Environment.
Oracle Cloud Native Environment:
Duration: 6 mins
This video provides an overview and introduction to Oracle Cloud Native Environment.
Duration: 7 mins
Released: 3.6 years ago
This video provides a step by step walk-through of Oracle Cloud Native Environment installation.
This video provides a step by step walk-through of deploying environments and modules on Oracle Cloud Native Environment.
This video provides a step by step walk-through of scaling a kubernetes cluster on Oracle Cloud Native Environment.
Released: 3.5 years ago
External Link
An open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications, Kubernetes provides the tools to build a cluster of systems to support the launching of containerized applications. These containers can be deployed across the cluster systems and scaled as needed.
The following videos will introduce you to the Kubernetes cluster technology and its components. They show how a Kubernetes cluster is built, and how container applications in pods are deployed on the cluster nodes.
This video provides an introduction to Kubernetes in Oracle Cloud Native Environment. It introduces Kubernetes container orchestration and the services it provides. It describes the Kubernetes Module and Pods specific to Kubernetes system in Oracle Cloud Native Environment.
Released: 3.9 years ago
This video describes the architecture of a Kubernetes cluster. It discusses the control plane and worker node components, as well as the resources and services used to build and provide access to the cluster and its deployments.
Duration: 8 mins
This video describes use of the kubectl command-line-interface in Oracle Cloud Native Environment.
Released: 3.8 years ago
This video provides a high-level overview/introduction to what Kubernetes is and introduces a few basic concepts to you.
For additional videos on Oracle Linux:
For Oracle Linux documentation:
Released: 2.9 years ago
Unsure what the various Kubernetes terms you hear being used mean? Then take a couple of minutes out, and this will introduce the basic resource terms and provide context for their use.
Duration: 4 mins
Kata Container software delivers the framework for creating lightweight virtual machines (VMs) that easily plug into container ecosystems. Kata Containers offer similar virtual machine levels of security while maintaining the efficiencies gained from the deployment of traditional containers.
The following videos will introduce you to Kata Containers functionality and demonstrate how Kata Containers are deployed in your Kubernetes cluster.
This video provides an overview of Kata container implementation in Oracle Container Services for use with Kubernetes clusters. It explains basic Kubernetes cluster operation and how Kata containers enhance the deployment of containerized applications.
Released: 5.9 years ago
This video shows how to deploy a Kata container pod to single worker nodes and a replicaset to multiple worker nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.
Released: 5.6 years ago
This video shows how to use label key pairs to control the deployment of Kata container pods to specific worker nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.
Podman provides a way to build, share and run containers conforming to the the Open Containers Initiative (OCI) format.
The following videos will introduce you to Containers, and demonstrate using Podman to deploy and manage container images designed for Kubernetes, Oracle Container Runtime for Docker, and Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment.
This Podman video discusses high-level concepts outlining how to view what a container is.
Released: 3.3 years ago
This Podman video takes a high-level approach to describing why a Container is not the same as a Virtual Machine.
For additional videos on Oracle Linux: For Oracle Linux documentation: For more Oracle Cloud Native Environment videos go to:
This video demonstrates how to install Podman, Buildah, and Skopeo on Oracle Linux 8 for building, running, and maintaining Linux containers.
Released: 4.5 years ago
Released: 4.4 years ago
This Podman video outlines the difference between a Public, and Private, Container Registry. It summarises the difference between a 'container registry' and a 'container repository', shows how Podman uses the 'registries.conf' file to determine which registries to search, then provides a demonstration of 'pulling', and using, an Oracle Linux 8 Slim container. For additional videos on Oracle Linux:
For Oracle Linux documentation: For more Oracle Cloud Native Environment videos go to:
Released: 3.2 years ago
This video demonstrates to the user how to use Podman itself to configure a (simple) local container registry to provide a non-https internally-hosted resource for internal teams, such as DevOps, to use.
For more Oracle Cloud Native Environment videos go to:
This video demonstrates how to run containers using Podman on Oracle Linux.
Duration: 9 mins
This video provides an introduction into how using a Dockerfile makes layers and are then saved as images. Then how how images are used to create containers, rather than 'becoming' containers themselves. It also shows how using the 'podman history' command can be used to reveal the component layers within an image.
This video demonstrates how to use the bind mount storage type within containers using Podman on Oracle Linux.
This video demonstrates how to use volumes as storage within containers using Podman on Oracle Linux.
This video demonstrates how to use a Dockerfile to buile a container based on oraclelinux:8 using Podman on Oracle Linux
Released: 4.1 years ago
Operating as a service mesh for managing the interaction and operation of services in a microservices architecture. Istio coordinates communication between services, providing service discovery, load balancing, security, recovery, telemetry, and policy enforcement capabilities.
The following videos will introduce you to the role of Istio in supporting the microservices framework. You will learn about the Istio architecture and its sidecar proxy capabilities implemented in a Kubernetes cluster.
This video provides an introduction to Istio. It describes aspects of the microservice architecture, concepts of the Istio service mesh, and Istio features.
Duration: 3 mins
Released: 4.8 years ago
This video describes the Istio control plane and the Istio data plane. It also describes functions of the Pilot, Mixer, Citadel, and Envoy Proxy components.
This video describes Istio in Oracle Cloud Native Environment. It reviews deployment of the Istio module and describes steps necessary to deploy an application with automatic sidecar injection enabled.
This video provides an overview of Istio traffic management, Istio gateways and virtual services, along with an Istio Ingress demonstration.
Duration: 10 mins
Released: 4.6 years ago
This Istio Egress video discusses and demonstrates use of the Istio Egress gateway to access a server that is outside of our Kubernetes cluster.
This Istio Routing video takes up where the Istio Ingress video left off and discusses and demonstrates Istio destination rules and provides additional examples of Istio virtual services.