The Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service IntelliJ plugin can be used to connect to an on-premises Oracle NoSQL Database. This video demonstrates how to use IntelliJ Plugin to connect to a secure Oracle NoSQL Database.
The Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service IntelliJ plugin can be used to connect to an on-premise Oracle NoSQL Database. This video demonstrates how to use the IntelliJ plugin to connect to a non-secure NoSQL Database.
This 15-minute tutorial shows you how to build the JNI-based C interface to Oracle NoSQL Database from source.
This 20-minute tutorial walks you through the use of Oracle External Tables to read data from an Oracle NoSQL Database while accessing Oracle Database.
This 15-minute tutorial shows you how to build Oracle NoSQL Database C Driver for Tables.
Learn how to work with JSON data in Oracle NoSQL Database using an example scenario.
In this video, you learn how to model JSON data in Oracle NoSQL Database. Modeling JSON data includes storing, retrieving, querying, and indexing JSON data.
This video introduces you to the usecase scenario that will provide a context on how to model JSON data in Oracle NoSQL Database.
Learn how to spin up and run an Oracle NoSQL Database cluster in 30 minutes or less.
Oracle NoSQL Database is easy to install and set up.
In this video, learn how to spin up and run an Oracle NoSQL Database cluster in 30 minutes or less.
Learn how data stored in the Oracle NoSQL Database can be integrated with other data sources to generate valuable reports and charts using existing Oracle software products.
Learn how Oracle NoSQL Database - Maximum Available Architecture works.
Learn how the Oracle IoT Cloud Service uses Oracle NoSQL Database.