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Load Dimensions and Data From a Flat File Using Rules

You learn how to work with rules, build dimensions using a created rule, and then load data using a rule. You gain a basic understanding of using the Rules editor to create and edit rules. The learning path includes topics that describe the basics of working with rules.

Enroll the User-Public



inetrmediate Intermediate
duration 45 Min
modules 4 Modules

Learning Path Contents

Module Sections Topics and more

  • Work With Rules
      duration 10 Min
    In this module, read about working with rules when building dimensions and loading data, learn when they can or must be used, and some issues regarding their usage.
  • Global and Field Options
      duration 10 Min
    In this module, you familiarize yourself with the global and field options available for use with a rule file, and how they can be set in the Rules editor.
  • Build Dimensions Using Rules
      duration 15 Min
    In this activity, you define a dimension hierarchy, create a rule in the Rules editor to define the build, and then run a job to build the dimensions.
  • Load Data Using Rules
      duration 10 Min
    In this activity, you define the loading of data into an Essbase cube, create a rule that specifies and control the data load, and then run a job to load the data.