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Work with Dynamic Processes in Oracle Integration

Learn how to create a simple dynamic process using a hospital emergency room as the use case.

Enroll the User-Public



beginner Beginner
duration 60 Min
modules 5 Modules

Learning Path Contents

Module Sections Topics and more

  • Before You Begin
      duration 0 Min
    Review the requirements and prerequisites for completing this learning path.
    • A key part of your business application is its business process or processes. In Oracle Integration, you can create two types of processes:

      • Structured
      • Dynamic

      You use structured processes to automate structured or sequential tasks. However, many business processes don’t follow a structured or sequential path. The process may require expert knowledge or may depend on changing circumstances. Dynamic processes help you automate such unpredictable processes.

      In this learning path, you’ll create a simple dynamic process using a hospital emergency room example. You’ll model its activities and properties, and configure advanced properties that take your simple dynamic process to the next level. Then, after learning all about creating, configuring, and testing a standalone dynamic process, you'll explore how to use a structured process within a dynamic process and vice versa.

    What Do You Need?
  • Ready to Use a Dynamic Process?
      duration 15 Min
    Learn key information about a dynamic process, starting with when to create it, how to model its activities and properties, and how to test and use it in runtime.
  • Take Your Dynamic Process to the Next Level
      duration 15 Min
    Now that you have the basics down, let’s enhance your dynamic process by setting stage activation, adding milestones, and defining roles and permissions.
  • Mix and Match Dynamic and Structured Processes
      duration 30 Min
    Sometimes your business applications may require a combination of sequential and non-sequential processes. In such cases, you can combine dynamic and structured processes. Let's explore how to do so.
  • Learn More
      duration 0 Min
    Check out these resources for more information about dynamic process and Oracle Integration.