In this learning path, you will work with an Entity Maintenance view, which consists of viewpoints for General Ledger, Financial Consolidation, and Planning applications.
A user named Alex needs to add two nodes to the General Ledger application, but the change also needs to be made in the Financial Consolidation and Planning applications. Alex has permission to the dimensions in the General Ledger viewpoint only, so he adds the two nodes to a dimension in the viewpoint and then assigns the request to Anita who has permission to the dimensions in all three viewpoints and can collaborate on the request and submit it for approval. Kerry has permission to review the changes in all three viewpoint’s dimensions and approve the request.
As you complete the workflow approval process in this learning path, you will:
After you get access to an Enterprise Data Management Cloud environment, the following steps must be completed by a service administrator.
1. Create the Enterprise Data Management sample application.
The sample application has pre-loaded sample data and related artifacts for Enterprise Data Management. It contains an Entity Maintenance view, which consists of viewpoints for General Ledger, Financial Consolidation, and Planning plus groups that are granted permissions to the applications.
2. Log in to your Enterprise Data Management environment as a service administrator.
Note: The sample application does not contain users. To complete this learning path, you must use your own service administrator and users in place of Alex, Kerry, and Anita.
Review the following topic for information on adding users.
The service administrator assigns users to groups. These groups have already been granted permissions to the dimensions.
Review this topic to learn more about permissions.
Note: Only service administrators can assign users to groups by selecting Access Control on the Enterprise Data Management Cloud Home page.
The users in this learning path are assigned the following:
Corporate Company Entity Entity
After assigning users to groups, the service administrator configures approval policies for the dimensions to enable other users to review and approve changes to the dimension made in submitted requests.
Note: Permissions cascade from higher levels to lower levels, and from applications and dimensions to hierarchy sets and node types.
Review this topic to understand permission cascading:
Review this topic to learn more about modifying groups.
Review these topics and videos to learn more about approval policies:
The user creates a draft request, adds request items to it, and can then assign the request to another user who makes additional changes to the request and submits the request for approval. The approver reviews the proposed changes in the request and approves (or pushes back or rejects) the request.
Users or groups who draft and work on requests must be set up with at least Submitter permission for the application or dimension. Users or groups who approve requests must be set up with at least Browser permission for the application or dimension. In this learning path, Alex and Anita can both submit a request because they belong to groups with the Submitter or Data Manager permission for dimensions. Kerry can approve requests because he belongs to a group with the Owner permission for dimensions.
Review these videos to learn more about requests:
Review this topic to learn more about assigning requests:
Review this topic to learn more about inserting nodes as you collaborate on requests.
For detailed information review the cloud help center for Enterprise Data Management Cloud: