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Getting Started with Visual Builder and Orchestrator for JD Edwards

Learn how to use VBCS and Orchestrator Studio to create mobile applications for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

Enroll the User-Public



inetrmediate Intermediate
duration 75 Min
modules 5 Modules

Learning Path Contents

Module Sections Topics and more

  • Overview
      duration 0 Min
    • In this learning path, you will learn:

      • How to import a VBCS application template to facilitate logging into JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.
      • How to import the pre-built orchestrations.
      • How to create a basic list view with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data.
      • How to render a basic chart with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data.

        Note: The purpose of the learning path is to help you become familiar with the process of using VBCS together with Orchestrator Studio. This learning path will not instruct you on how to create an end-to-end mobile application. 
        After you complete this learning path, you will have the basic level of knowledge to successfully leverage other available documentation and collateral necessary to create a mobile application.

      Licensing: You may need a subscription for the browser-based development cloud service you are using.

      Enroll: Enroll to track your progress. An overall percent complete replaces the Enroll option and each task is marked as complete as you progress through the learning path.

      Navigation: Click a topic to view the associated content. When you reach the end of the content, use the arrows at the bottom of the page to move between topics.


  • Before You Begin
      duration 0 Min
  • Importing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne VBCS Login Template
      duration 15 Min
    Describes how to import a prebuilt VBCS application template that contains the components needed to connect to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application.
  • Creating an Application Listview
      duration 30 Min
    Describes how to design a simple user interface to display the data received from EnterpriseOne through your orchestration.
  • Creating an Application Chart
      duration 30 Min
    Describes how to design a simple user interface that displays a chart containing the data received from EnterpriseOne.