
  • PeopleSoft Spotlight Series: Implementing a Selective Adoption Strategy

    The PeopleSoft Spotlight Series is a new video-based learning resource that will help you get a deeper understanding of our latest Oracle PeopleSoft technologies, features and enhancements.

    Implementing a Selective Adoption Strategy is part of the Selective Adoption Closer Look Series. This video will give you an understanding about the new Selection Adoption business model and help you build a proactive organization plan using Selective Adoption. 

    Download the Implementing a Selective Adoption Strategy Companion Slides for this training.

    Duration: 33 minutes

    Release Date: 18-JUL-2015

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Reviews (2)

  • 1.4 years ago
    Watched this after 8 years, still makes sense and gives more insights. thanks for keeping it here.
    • 9.3 years ago
      The presentation, as it was at the Oracle Summit, is great. But what is being missed is a way to properly disseminate information about new features. As major upgrades go away, all those tools - including documentaiton like Release Value Proposition, Pre-Release Notes, and more have gone away. The upgrade fanfare is gone. So there has to be a better way to communicate and detail (via PowerPoint or other demonstration and detail document) these new features to get customers excited about them. For example, the Automation of Time Reporting Enrollment is a great new feature that came in PUM 14 (buried with a ton of just basic fixes). But who knew? PeopleSoft must find a way of advertising and detailing these features. Maybe a Spotlight on PUM 15 or a YouTube video (even broader audience) detailing the functional and technical features of the PUM in detail. This would be super helpful to excite and maintain our customer base. Thanks!
