
  • RWP - #19: Architecture with an AWR Report


    Duration: 21 minutes

    This content is intended for the following job role(s): Technical Sales Consultant, Data Modeler, Database Designer, Systems Architect, Database Administrator

    Release Date: 22-SEP-2014

    Created by: Lauren Cohn

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Reviews (3)

  • 7.6 years ago
    Comments are quite informative, especially if they are from the father (architect) of awr .
    • 8.5 years ago
      I went through most of the videos from the series. Really Nice. A small request; Hibernate also have APIs for performance optimization. Post watching this videos I am bit confused which part of performance should be taken at Oracle scripts and which at hibernate. If you could provide some material that would provide outline of the Hibernate + Oracle architecture for High performance, that would be great!
      • 8.9 years ago
        Excellent and very clear. Great work!
